Gospel Fever 2019 - African Roots
20. June 2019, at 20.00
Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana, Ižanska cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana
Facebook eventWelcome to Gospel Fever 2019, the peak of Bee Geesus choir concert season. With a concert at the KGBL Hall, the a cappella Gospel Choir will celebrate its 11th anniversary. This year’s annual concert is titled “African Roots”, and as such the music will be fully colored in African colors. This years musical guest is the Slovene African choir Sankofa. Together we will prepare an evening full of African rhythms, harmony, dance, genuine energy and joy for life, but the red thread will always be gospel and black spiritual music - this year with an African design.
Bee Geesus is a Slovenian gospel choir. Group of cheerful singers weave vocals in a harmonious, urban sound under the baton of a known A cappella artist Matej Virtič. They call their musical expression Gospel Fever; it is known for its energetic execution of spiritual music with a strong harmony and firm rhythm. The choir remains always faithful to the original message of gospel music, which is no less important today than at the time when it meant a loud cry for personal freedom and hope for all oppressed. With an A cappella execution the Choir Bee Geesus feels especially close to the earliest form of the music, since the spiritual music in the beginning was exclusively vocal. Last year, the choir Bee Geesus celebrated their 10 year anniversary. Accompanied by former members and musical guests on the stage of Cankarjev dom we reminisced about our beginnings and events that led us to where we are now. You can relive the concert by listening to the song I’m Free that was sang with the entire audience. This year we are setting a different tone for the concert. At the beginning of the season we chose a topic and focused all our work around it. You will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour on 20th of June at Conservatory for Music and Ballet Ljubljana. For the concert we chose a title that we believe captures African spontaneity, energy and dance – African Roots. Musical tradition of the black continent substantially influenced the development of gospel music and related musical genres. Furthermore, we can still find the footprints of it in the modern popular music.
The Sankofa choir has been established in 2009. It was founded by Dalanda Diallo, an independent dancer and co-founder of the Baobab cultural arts society. It unites Africans, their descendants and friends. It was created as part of a year-long project “The Expressive World of African Culture”, which promotes the development and spread of African culture and awareness throughout Slovenia. The name Sankofa comes from a ghanic symbol, which means taking something good from the past and using it in the future. This is why, the choir chooses traditional African songs and presents them in a new, fresh way. Sankofa’s repertoire includes traditional and contemporary African songs as well as original songs by its members. Sankofa is currently under the artistic direction of Matej Virtič. They are going to mark their 10th anniversary with a concert on October 15th in Ljubljana’s Španski borci hall.
African music was always present with the Bee Geesus Choir before it even started under this name. The original cast was unofficially called “Little Afro-gospel choir”. Their first song, too, was Freedom is coming from South Africa, and one of the later recordings of this song has the highest number of hits on YouTube. The first thematic Gospel Fever will cover the most popular songs. To those the choir added novelties, some of which you will be able to hear for the first time at the concert. The season dedicated to Africa is an opportunity to deepen the knowledge about rhythm and learn texts in already “familiar” and new African languages. The audience is encouraged to sing-along to the wonderful music, so take care of your voices and do some vocal exercises before you come! :)
Come, dance and sing. Let’s celebrate the gospel fever!
Ticket price:
pre-sale 15 €, 12 € *, on the day of the concert 18 €
- Lower price applies to students, pupils, school children, younger children, pensioners and the unemployed. Tickets are available in pre-sale in the Mojekarte.si system and on the day of the concert one hour before it starts in the KGBL lobby.
Info: 00386 31 658 826 and info@beegeesus.si